Buzzard found hanging upside down in tree in Stoneywood

The bird was rescued by the Scottish SPCA and three fishermen.

Published 23rd Sep 2016

A buzzard found hanging upside down in a tree after becoming tangled up in fishing line near the River Don has been rescued.

Three fishermen spotted the bird hanging precariously from a branch in the Stoneywood area, 10 feet over the water.

The trio and an officer from animal welfare charity the Scottish SPCA negotiated a steep 90 foot descent to the river bank to rescue it.

Animal Rescue Officer Claire McGillivary said: “One of them had tree loppers and we had to bend the branch down towards us and cut it so that the bird would land in my net.

“There were five different fishing lines attached to its feet and one had been caught through its talon.

“I don't believe the buzzard was hanging there for too long but because it was very windy, it was swinging around which could have easily caused dislocation of the leg.

“The bird was taken to a local vets to have the fishing line removed and thankfully, there wasn't much damage.

“The gentlemen who assisted me were absolutely amazing and a great help - I can't thank them enough.”

Fisherman Martin Roberts said, “We were all very pleased with this outcome and it was great to see the bird fully recovered being released back into its natural habitat.”