Bad weather preventing rescue of drifting North Sea platform

Bad weather is preventing the rescue of a platform floating in the North Sea - after it broke free will being towed.

Published 6th Jan 2016

Bad weather is preventing the rescue of a platform floating in the North Sea - after it broke free will being towed.

The 'Safe Bristolia' rig was being towed when the line snapped on the 3rd of January.

It was then left drifting in the North Sea with 33 people on board - who have all ben accounted for.

Now Prosafe, who operate the installation, say it has remained in the same sport for the last 48 hours, and an achor handling vessel is in attendance. However, they must wait for a break in the weather in order to re-establish the tow line.

The vessel and platform have been able to maintain good communication.

Prosafe are also working with the Coastguard.