ARI porters offered TB screening

Author: Bekki ClarkPublished 22nd Oct 2018

Porters at Aberdeen Royal Infirmary are being screened for tuberculosis, after a member of staff there was diagnose with the disease.

The close families of porters have also been offered the test – although the health board says the risk of infection is low.

After a risk assessment NHS Grampian has decided no patients need to be tested for TB.

A spokeswoman for the health board said:

“A risk assessment has been carried out by NHS Grampian to identify anyone who, as a routine precautionary measure, should be offered screening for TB. As a result, in addition to close household contacts of the case, screening is being offered to hospital staff who have regularly worked in the same area as the case. No patients require to be offered screening as none have had significant regular contact with the case. "