Anti-war protesters react with fury after MPs vote for Syria air strikes

Anti-war protesters reacted furiously after MPs voted to bomb Islamic State (IS) in Syria.

Published 3rd Dec 2015

Anti-war protesters reacted furiously after MPs voted to bomb Islamic State (IS) in Syria.

Loud boos erupted from the crowd which had gathered outside the Palace of Westminster to hear the outcome of the controversial vote.

Grace Tennant, 20, a student from Birmingham, said: It is about human lives. It's a moral argument.

Britain won't be safer because of this, we'll become less safe.''

There were shouts of shame on you'' as news of the vote spread through the couple of hundred-strong crowd.

Protesters held a minute's silence against the decision to launch a bombing campaign.

Many sat down and flicked the peace sign and afterwards they chanted: Not in my name.''

Colin Crilly, 46, from London, said: I'm disappointed but not surprised, it just shows the disconnect between the public and elected officials.

I fear that this will mean the cycle of violence will just continue.''