Alex Rowley calls on First Minister to consider bringing in rent controls

The Scottish Government will “always consider'' if more action needs to be taken to curb rents in the private sector, Nicola Sturgeon said.

Published 28th Sep 2017

The Scottish Government will “always consider'' if more action needs to be taken to curb rents in the private sector, Nicola Sturgeon said.

Labour interim leader Alex Rowley called on the First Minister to consider bringing in rent controls - a plea which came the day after Jeremy Corbyn used his conference speech to underline Labour plans to bring in such a measure south of the border.

Mr Rowley said that the number of people living in privately rented homes had “risen dramatically over the last two decades''.

But he claimed that with “little regulation'' in the sector, rent bills had also “shot up'' adding: “The cost of rents often bears no relation to the condition and values of properties people are renting.''

Raising the issue at First Minister's Questions, he asked Ms Sturgeon if she was “willing to look at what can be done to address this, including some consideration of rent controls''.

The SNP leader told him: “In the last session of parliament legislation was enacted that allows action to be taken where local authorities consider that there are problems with excessive rent increases.

“So the Parliament has already introduced some form of rent control provision. Of course we will always consider if there is a case to go further because, as Alex Rowley rightly says, the numbers living in private rented accommodation are increasing and it is important that housing remains affordable for people, but also that we take action to ensure private rented housing is of a high quality.''

Ms Sturgeon, who represents the Glasgow Southside area at Holyrood, added: “As someone who represents an urban constituency I'm well aware of the importance of both things.'