Aberdeen to benefit from £27 Million investment into walking and cycling routes

The granite city will be one of the first to benefit from the 'Active Travel Fund' announced earlier this week by the First Minister.

Author: Lewis MichiePublished 18th Oct 2019

Aberdeen is set to see investment into more walking and bike routes across the city, in efforts to reduce carbon emissions and improve health.

This ‘green infrastructure’ project will use the recent creation of a flood management and wetland area as an opportunity to provide for, and prioritise walking and cycling in the Maidencraig area of Aberdeen.

As well as upgrading existing paths, the project aims to create new routes linking Skene Road, Bressay Brae, Samphrey Rd and Maidencraig Way helping to create safer, more accessible and attractive walking and cycling links.

The paths will also help link to Lang Stracht Road and Skene Road as well as local schools, community areas, Woodend General Hospital and the Den of Maidencraig Local Nature Reserve as well as to the site as a green space itself.

Aberdeen Central MSP Kevin Stewart says this is very good news:

“Scotland has world leading climate targets and reducing carbon emissions from transport is at the heart of meeting that challenge."

“That means improving public transport – with the Scottish Government recently announcing £500 million investment in bus priority infrastructure – as well as encouraging the rollout of greener technology, such as electric cars."

“Walking and cycling also have a huge role to play – not just in reducing our carbon footprint, but in improving our health."

“It is hugely welcome that Aberdeen will be among the first areas to benefit from new funding to improve active travel"