Aberdeen's Thomas Cook staff offered help back into employment

Those made redundant from two Aberdeen Thomas Cook stores are being offered training to help with updating CVs and online profiles.

Published 24th Sep 2019
Last updated 24th Sep 2019

Following the collapse of travel giants Thomas Cook earlier this week, those made redundant from the two Aberdeen branches of the travel agent will have the chance to attend a short course on helping them back into work.

Stacy Edghill was initially going to be helping out a friend who'd been laid off from her job with Thomas Cook on updating her CV and other helpful skills for finding employment.

Word spread and now Stacy has been in touch with every member of staff that lost their job on Monday morning, and she will now lead a half-day course on Wednesday the 25th of September - free of charge.

Stacy said: "I've been through redundancy before - I'm now in the position where I thought, I can actually do something to help"

"Some of these people have been working the same job for years - so they've never set up a LinkedIn or haven't updated their CV in a long time."