Aberdeen Terror Accused Arrested Day After Sitting Uni Finals

Published 23rd Sep 2015

Aberdeen terror accused Yousif Badri's told a court that he was arrested in Sainsbury's the day after sitting his finals for his medical degree.

Badri, 29, who denies two terrorism charges, was giving evidence during his trial at the High Court in Glasgow.

Defence QC Murdo Macleod asked Badri, who was studying medicine at Aberdeen University: "When did you sit your final exams," and he replied: "June 4 and 5, 2013."

Badri was asked if he passed the exams and said: "Yes, I was told I had."

Mr Macleod then asked: "What happened the next day," and Badri replied: "I was arrested by police officers in Sainsbury's."

Badri, whose mother is a paediatrician and his father a cardiologist, told the court that he was due to graduate on July 5, 2013.

Mr Macleod asked him: "That didn't happen though did it, were you arrested just before you were due to graduate," and Badri replied: "Yes."

The court heard that Badri has wanted to be a doctor ever since he did work experience at a GP surgery.

However, because he has not graduated he was not able to go on to his foundation year. The court heard that medical student who studied with him are now qualified doctors.

Badri was asked what he has been doing in the two years and four months since he was arrested and said he had studied for a post-graduate degree in medical education.

When asked how he has been coping Badri said he tried to keep busy and added: "I try not to feel to dark about what's happening and see my friends."

Mr Macleod said: "Do you have a wide circle of friends in Aberdeen with across all communities," and he replied: "Yes."

The QC then askeed: "do you mix with non-Muslim friends," and Badri replied: "Yes."

One of the books found on Badri's desk by police when they raided his flat in Ashgrove Road, Aberdeen, was The Book of Major Sins.

Badri told the jury: "If you had a good grasp of that book you could demolish most of the articles in Inspire."

He agreed with Mr Macleod that Inspire articles which talk of taking bounty from enemies who are killed would be in conflict with the book's ideas.

Badri added: "To take wealth unjustly is considered a major sin."

The jury was shown a selection of photograph of Badri with family and friends at weddings and outings taken from the external hard-drive seixed by police from his flat.

They were also shown pictures he had taken of various meals,including a couple featuring his favourite pudding - banofee pie.

Badris is on trial accused of two terrorism charges which he denies.

Badri is accused of being involved in conduct "with the intention of committing acts of terrorism".

The offences are said to have been carried out at two places in Aberdeen -Badri's former flat in Ashgrove Road and in Berryden Retail Park.

Badri's current address in Halifax, West Yorkshire, also features in the alleged offences.

Prosecutors claim that between 2007 and 2013 Badri collected or made a record of information likely to be useful to a person "committing or preparing an act of terrorism". This allegedly included footage of terror attacks as well as instructions on "urban assassinations" and "guerrilla tactics".

A second charge alleges that Badri "with the intention of committing acts of terrorism" engaged in various actions between 2006 and 2013.

Accusations listed in the indictment include a claim he had an "equipment list" for attending a terrorist training camp in Afghanistan.

He is also said to have possessed "advice for those involved in conducting terrorist attack planning operations".

The charge further alleges that he had documents, recordings and files containing "extreme ideology".

Badri denies the charges against him.

The trial before judge Lord Turnbull continues.