Aberdeen teacher struck off over lewd comments

The GTCS ruled the RME teacher was unfit to teach

Author: Bekki ClarkPublished 23rd Nov 2017

An Aberdeen teacher has been struck off the register after a hearing heard he made lewd comments.

David McGhee taught RE, history and modern studies at city schools.

The GTCS decided he is unfit to teach - he won't be able to re-apply to teach for two years.

At an earlier hearing, the claim was made he had looked up a colleague's skirt and made innappropriate comments.

In its ruling, the regulatory body said:

“The Panel concluded that the Teacher had conducted himself in a sustained manner over a period of time and in a way that fell significantly short of the standards expected of a registered teacher. There had been no steps taken by the Teacher to remedy his conduct and the risk of reoccurrence remained high. The Teacher’s conduct was fundamentally incompatible with his being a registered teacher and he is currently unfit to teach.”

McGhee did not attend the hearing to hear his fate