Aberdeen suicide student's boyfriend will not return to city university

Angus Milligan admitted attacking Emily Drouet in the days before her death

Published 16th Aug 2017
Last updated 16th Aug 2017

A University of Aberdeen student who attacked his girlfriend days before she took her own life will not be readmitted to the university.

Angus Milligan was spared jail over the assault on Emily Drouet in March 2016 - 8 days later she was found dead at her halls of residence.

Milligan admitted the attack earlier this year - he was sentenced to 12 months’ supervision and ordered to carry out 180 hours of unpaid work.

A spokesman for the university said while it could not comment on individual cases, they could say:

“Under its governing procedures, the University has the power to apply its discretion to consider whether or not any student who applies should be readmitted.

“Alongside academic judgement this would include attention to a student’s conduct, in particular conduct affecting other members of the university community."