Aberdeen SNP demand action from Sunak after 'perfect storm' hit the city

A letter signed by the elected SNP members in Aberdeen to the Chancellor sets out 11 points they want considered ahead of the comprehensive spending review.

Chancellor of the Exchequer Rishi Sunak
Author: Lewis MichiePublished 25th Nov 2020

Aberdeen's SNP Politicians - MP's, MSP's and Councillors - have written to the UK Government Chancellor Rishi Sunak ahead of today's 'comprehensive spending review'.

The group, which includes MP's Stephen Flynn, Kirsty Blackman and Richard Thomson - are asking for Mr Sunak to consider an 11-point-proposal. This includes delivering on an oil and gas sector deal which would make Aberdeen the home of energy transition.

The Group say this comes after a 'perfect storm' of local lockdown and an oil and gas price plunge left the city with a 75% reduction in job vacancies and a more than doubling of universal credit claimants.

Here's what MP Stephen Flynn told Northsound:

You can read the letter below: