Aberdeen schoolboy, five, takes knife to school

Author: Phil McDonaldPublished 7th Mar 2018

A 5-year-old boy's been caught carrying a weapon in an Aberdeen school.

A teacher called police after the child was caught with the blade at a primary school on 22nd February.

Officers said the boy is too young to consider charging - and it's understood he brought it in from home.

Support is being offered to those affected by the incident.

Police Scotland received a report of an incident on February 22, 2018, involving a young boy taking a weapon into school.

Local Sergeant Craig Murray said: "One such incident in our schools and communities is one too many and we have established a multi-agency response plan which includes a prompt assessment and follow-up to any incident. This focuses on the support and welfare of all those involved.

"Young people need to understand that even if they never intend on using a weapon, carrying one could result in unthinkable consequences, not to mention a potential criminal record.

"There is no justifiable reason for ever carrying one and whether or not the intention is to use it is absolutely irrelevant. Ignorance is not an excuse and this is certainly not a game."

Liam Kerr, Scottish Conservative justice spokesman, said: “This is an alarming incident that will shock parents – not just in Aberdeen, but across the country.

“While no-one was hurt, the consequences clearly could have been very serious indeed.

“Aberdeen City Council has led the way in Scotland with a tough stance on weapons in schools since the tragic death of Bailey Gwynne.

“I am sure that the correct procedures have been followed, but clearly there is still a lot of work to be done in terms of educating young people about the dangers of carrying knives into the classroom."