Aberdeen rape and murder trial will start in New Year

The trial of a man charged with the rape and murder of a mum has been moved until the New Year.

Published 2nd Dec 2016

The trial of a man charged with the rape and murder of a mum has been moved until the New Year.

Bala Chinda is accused of killing Nkechi McGraa at a flat in Union Terrace, Aberdeen on February 11 this year.

The 25 year-old had been expected to stand trial next week.

But, during a short hearing at the High Court in Glasgow, the case has now been set for January.

Prosecutors claimed the 25 year-old did force Miss McGraa onto a bed, hold her down and have sex with her.

The rape and murder charge further alleges he did “inflict blunt force trauma” to her head and neck before forcing the 36 year-old's face into a pillow.

It is said Chinda held her face there and as a result – or “by other means to the prosecutor unknown” - he did “asphyxiate” Miss McGraa.

Chinda faces a separate accusation of attempting to defeat the ends of justice.

It is claimed he stole two phones and a key from Miss McGraa after the alleged rape and murder.

The charge states he got rid of the mobiles as well as a handset he is said to have used to contact Miss McGraa.

Prosecutors claim this was done to “conceal and destroy evidence” linking Chinda to Miss McGraa and the crime.

Chinda previously pled not guilty to the accusations.