Aberdeen orphanage "place of fear" for "deprived" kids

Child abuse report uncovers physical, emotional, & sexual abuse.

Published 30th May 2019
Last updated 30th May 2019

A report into child abuse at an Aberdeen orphanage says it was a place of fear where kids were deprived of compassion.

The Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry's reacting to evidence from people who lived at Scottish care homes run by the Sisters of Nazareth (SoN).

Simon Collins is a lawyer representing the victims and he's read the findings. He told Northsound News: "It's quite a bleak picture it paints, even leaving aside the physical, emotional, and sexual abuse that was taking place.

"We've heard evidence of abuse of children over several decades spanning across four different homes run by the SoN in Aberdeen, in Glasgow, in Kilmarnock, and in Edinburgh.

"There's evidence about the general ethos and feeling within the homes which was unsupportive, and there was a lack of love and nurturing. We've heard evidence of physical evidence, evidence of punishment and humiliation of bed-wetters, force-feeding. There was evidence relating to sexual abuse and emotional abuse.

"There is some very graphic evidence of terrible instances of abuse of children, bearing in mind these are children who were in a position of vulnerability - looking for the love and support and stability that they needed in their life, and they didn't find that, unfortunately.

"I hear a lot about the lasting effects that it has upon them throughout adult life - impacting on formation of relationships and trust - and when recalling abuse that happened in childhood re-traumatising those who had suffered and survived it.

"The physical abuse seemed to be quite widespread, allegations of sexual abuse as well. Young children who were vulnerable and looking for love and support in their life were finding themselves in a place that was described as being cold and lacking in any compassion or love."

The Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry said some children at the homes were subjected to sexual abuse of the "utmost depravity", and the residential institutions were "places of fear, hostility and confusion" for many children.

The inquiry published its findings into residential institutions run by SoN between 1933 and 1984 on Thursday, concluding that children suffered abuse and sexual abuse there.

During the hearings, one survivor told the inquiry that she was raped by a priest and repeatedly abused by a nun at the Nazareth House home in Kilmarnock while another witness said that a girl jumped from a building to her death after getting "battered" by a nun.

The inquiry was told of a catalogue of alleged abuses by nuns at four now-defunct institution, including physical abuse, force feeding and humiliation.

Lady Smith, chair of the Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry, said: "The Nazareth Houses in Scotland were, for many children, places of fear, hostility and confusion, places where children were physically abused and emotionally degraded with impunity.

"There was sexual abuse of children which, in some instances, reached levels of the utmost depravity.

"Children in need of kind, warm, loving care and comfort did not find it. Children were deprived of compassion, dignity, care and comfort.

"It was suggested in evidence that applicants may have colluded to present fictitious accounts about their time in their care, fuelled by resentment towards their families and an appetite for compensation. I reject all such suggestions."

The inquiry considered evidence about the nature and extent of any abuse of children in care at institutions run by the SoN in Scotland, with a particular focus on Nazareth Houses in Aberdeen, Cardonald, Lasswade and Kilmarnock.

It also examined any systems, policies and procedures in place at these institutions, and how these were applied.

The inquiry found that the physical abuse children endured included being hit with implements such as belts, canes, sticks, broom handles, hairbrushes, shoes and wooden crucifixes while some had carbolic soap stuffed into their mouths and had their heads banged together.

Those who were bed-wetters were abused by being subjected to humiliation and various types of punishment such as being forced to "wear" their wet sheets.

Children were also emotionally abused in "very cruel" ways, which included being routinely separated from their siblings and children being confined in cupboards or dark, locked rooms as punishment.

The inquiry, taking place in Edinburgh, heard evidence from 39 witnesses about their experience in Nazareth Houses during the 27-day case study, while two witnesses also spoke to the experiences of their family member.

A further 29 witness statements were read into the proceedings and the inquiry also heard audio evidence from a witness who made a recording prior to her death about being abused whilst in care at Nazareth House, Kilmarnock.

Applicants and other witnesses continue to come forward to the inquiry with relevant evidence about the care provided by SoN and this will be considered as part of the continuing process.

An SoN spokesman said: "The congregation has and continues to co-operate with all inquiries into the historical abuse of children, including in Scotland. We no longer run any residential services for children in the UK.

"In our oral submission to the Scottish Inquiry, we apologised for any abuse that did take place in any of our former children's homes."

The aim of the inquiry is to consider the extent to which institutions and bodies with legal responsibility for the care of children failed in their duty to protect children in care in Scotland or children whose care was arranged in Scotland, from abuse, and in particular to identify any systemic failures in fulfilling that duty.

It will also consider whether further changes in practice, policy or legislation are necessary in order to protect children in care in Scotland from such abuse in future.

It will report the outcome of its investigations to Scottish ministers and make recommendations to them.