Aberdeen man set to tackle SAMH virtual 'Stomp' challenge - but needs a venue

Simon Winstanley is looking to raise money for the charity by walking up 22,500 stairs in one go, but with no common venue this year, he's asked to use Pittodrie, failing that he's heading to the gym..

Author: Lewis MichiePublished 24th Sep 2020

Simon Winstanley from Aberdeen is looking to once again take on the SAMH 'stomp'.

The annual event challenges participants to take on the task of climbing a massive amount of stairs, with different levels available - Simon will be taking on the highest level, ultra, which is 22,500 stairs.

Normally the event would take place at Murrayfield, but due to the pandemic, it's going virtual.

Participants are being challenged to find the most unique place to complete their challenge - Simon hopes to use one of the stands at Pittodrie, but failing that he's heading to the stairmaster at his local gym.

Simon Said:

“I’ve done Stomp three times now. The first year I was quite unfit but I’ve built on my efforts and by 2019 I was leading the first wave of the Extreme Stomp from the start to finish and shaved 19 minutes off my original time! I enjoyed it so much that when the charity announced the 22,500 stair version this year I knew I had to do it, even if the event is going virtual.

“If it wasn't for SAMH and Stomp, I do wonder where I would be now, what purpose I may have had and I truly am grateful for what that gave me. It gives me a focus and something to work towards, something to put on the calendar – it’s my chance to make a difference and give something back.”

“Having been left by my spouse, I felt very isolated and alone - cut off from friends and family who lived hundreds of miles away.”

Simon continues, “The SAMH event popped up on my Facebook page. I had a look at it and learnt more about the charity. Given how I was feeling at the time - rock bottom, a low ebb and like everything was over - I could definitely see why SAMH was such an important charity and to men my age. I had retired my running shoes three years earlier, but I put them on again and threw myself into getting ready for Stomp. It gave me something to train for and look forward to. I’ve been fundraising for SAMH ever since.”

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