Aberdeen Homeless Charity Sees Numbers Rise

Published 9th Jun 2015

Aberdeen homless charity, The Cyrenians, has seen the number of people seeking their help rise.

In the past 18 months, the charity's Chief Executive Scott Baxter says that he sees Aberdonians from "all walks of life".

It's thought to be down to struggles in the oil and gas industry and changes in the welfare system.

Mr Baxter said: "Our numbers have almost quadrupled over the past 18 months, which is very concerning. People are really struggling financially across the North East as a result of welfare reform and increasing housing costs."

Alarmingly we have seen a number of people coming to us for support who are working, and thats something that is relatively new for us."

As we get busier it unfortunately costs us more, and thats obviously quite difficult due to a reduction in income of fundraising. But we are doing what we can to deal with that and do the best we can."

To donate to the Aberdeen Cyrenians, go here.