VIDEO: Aberdeen free climbers scale 100ft AWPR construction crane

Two North East teenagers sneaked onto the building site in Milltimber

Published 12th Apr 2017
Last updated 12th Apr 2017

We've been meeting the teenagers who posted the terrifying video of themselves climbing a 100ft crane in Aberdeen.

They're Elvis Bogdanovs, 18, from Torry and Robbie Borthwick, 19, from Cove.

Earlier this month they sneaked onto the AWPR building site at Milltimber and filmed themselves - at one point you can see Robbie dangling from the crane by one hand.

We've been speaking exclusively with the guys about why the decided to take such a risk.

Our reporter Phil McDonald went to meet them.

"I had no fear... I was comfortable" - Robbie Borthwick

A Transport Scotland spokesman said: “We are aware that two individuals gained access to the project site, outside of working hours, breaching the strict security measures that the contractor has in place.

"The contractor is reviewing its security measures to understand if further safeguards can be installed where individuals choose not to observe the clear signage and site boundaries.

“Health and safety is paramount to Transport Scotland and Aberdeen Roads Limited, the contractor for the AWPR/B-T project. We strongly encourage all individuals not to enter the project site for their own safety and that of the workers.”