Aberdeen FC set for fresh consultations on new Kingsford stadium

Published 17th Nov 2017

It’s back to the drawing board on Aberdeen FC’s plans for a £50 million stadium complex at Kingsford.

Aberdeen City Council has this morning revealed a new consultation on the club’s planning application is to be held, after the club submitted new information and documents.

That means Kingsford and Westhill locals will have another chance to have their say on the plans, and the planning application will be re-advertised. That process will get underway in the next seven days.

This new consultation is all about the new documents submitted to the local authority on the plans – with a closing date of the 12th December 2017.

The latest development means another pre-determination hearing on the issue will need to be held – the last hearing lasted a full day. That meetings been pencilled in for the 17th of January 2018.

Raymond Edgar, project director for Kingsford, said: "While we had been hoping for a decision on our application before Christmas, we now have an agreed timetable with the Council which will allow the proposals to be fully considered by Councillors in January.

"Following the deferral in October, we have worked with the Council planning officers to provide further reassurance that the Club’s approach to selecting Kingsford complies with legal requirements. In addition, we have undeniably demonstrated there are no other suitable, available and sequentially preferable sites within the city which could accommodate the development. In particular, we believe we have, once and for all, demonstrated that the proposals cannot be delivered at either King’s Links or Loirston.

“As requested by the Council’s economic development team, we have also provided further analysis which shows that the economic benefits of the development to the region are even greater than previously estimated.

“While the Club recognises that the delay has been frustrating for all those who continue to back our plans, it's vital that we have the best chance of securing the right decision for the Club, the City, the region, our fans and the thousands of individuals from all communities who benefit from the activities of the Trust."

"The additional information, contained in a supporting statement and appendices, will now be the subject of consultation. Councillors will be given an opportunity to ask questions on the additional information at a second pre-determination hearing in January, so that they will have all the information which they require to enable the application to be determined before the end of January. “

The club had hoped they’d have a decision on the project by the end of this year.