Aberdeen Family Appeal To Find Couple Who Saved Them After Weekend Crash

Published 6th Jul 2015

An Aberdeen family are hoping to find a couple who stopped to help them after they crashed their car in the city over the weekend.

The Brownley family, of Gavin, Hayley and their two children, were driving along South Deeside Road on Saturday, when their car hit a puddle, skidded onto the opposite side of the road, and crashed into a telephone pole.

Immediately after the accident, a couple, driving a black Mercedes Jeep stopped to help the family, rescuing the children from the back seats, and looking after the family until emergency services got to the scene.

But in all the confusion, Gavin and Hayley forgot to ask the couple their names.

Now, the Brownley family want to find the couple, in order to thank them personally for looking after them.

Our reporter Hope Webb sat down with Gavin and Hayley, to talk about the experience.

You can listen to that interview here:

If you think you know the couple, you can get in touch with us on Twitter @northsoundnews, or by email: news@northsound.co.uk.