Aberdeen Councillor Apologises After Twitter Row

An Aberdeen Labour councillor has apologised after posting a message on Twitter accusing an SNP MSP of using his family as ``political tools''.

Published 9th Dec 2014

An Aberdeen Labour councillor has apologised after posting a message on Twitter accusing an SNP MSP of using his family as political tools''.

The SNP demanded that Aberdeen City Council finance convener Willie Young be disciplined for the remarks referring to SNP MSP Mark McDonald, who has campaigned to raise awareness of autism since his son's diagnosis in 2011.

Mr Young later tweeted: Sorry if people found my tweet offensive and apologise for any upset that might have caused.''

The apology followed calls from the SNP for Aberdeen City Council leader Jenny Laing and interim Scottish Labour leader Anas Sarwar to take action over the message, posted on Sunday.

In a letter to Ms Laing, Mr McDonald said: Whilst I understand that political jostling is part of political life, there is a line and I believe that councillor Young's remarks have clearly crossed the line.

To imply that I have or would have used my son for political advantage is beyond contempt.''

He called for Ms Laing to condemn his remarks for being offensive and completely out of order and resolve to take appropriate action against him''.

The row follows Mr Sarwar's demands for the Nationalists to take swift action against four SNP councillors who set fire to a copy of the Smith Commission report recommending new powers for Holyrood and posted the footage online.

The councillors involved were suspended from the party and face disciplinary action.

SNP MSP Kevin Stewart said the tweet was offensive and deeply hurtful'' and accused the Scottish Labour Party ofbreathtaking hypocrisy''.

He said: When these matters arise, political parties should ensure they are acted on quickly - as the SNP has previously done.''

Mr Young said he regretted the wording he had used but not comments he had made about Mr McDonald's record on schools as a former SNP councillor in Aberdeen between 2007-12.

He said: I regret using the wording but in respect of the substantive matter about what he did when he was in power versus what he's doing now when he's an MSP I stand by.

I don't want to cause offence to anybody. If I have caused offence or if someone thinks I've gone over the score then I apologise, that's not my way of thinking.

It's political, I am a politician, I said what I said, I maybe didn't say it the way I should have said it. I'm not infallible, I make mistakes in life as we all do. I stand up when I've made a mistake and I've said what I've said.

When it comes to the politics of this, then I stand by the fact that it's a bit rich him (Mark McDonald) criticising the council, and indeed him doing it through press releases, rather than actually asking the council what we're doing or getting involved with us to see how we can make things better.''

He added: As far as I'm concerned it is an end to the matter but that is for others.''

Responding on Twitter, Mr McDonald said: Councillor Young has not apologised directly to me. The time for an apology was yesterday when he was asked if he stood by his remarks.

Not only did he stand by his remarks yesterday, he went further and said more than he did in his original tweet on Sunday.

While an apology may be a step in the right direction, Labour locally and nationally have a responsibility to take appropriate action.''