Aberdeen Inspired leads charge for coalition to tackle Union Street

An emergency summit that was held last month

Author: Stephanie AllisonPublished 21st Dec 2022

Aberdeen Inspired is leading the charge for an exciting new initiative to repopulate Union Street with businesses and people.

Following the emergency summit on Union Street, the BID (Business Improvement District) is developing the idea of a coalition, with the sole remit to reverse Union Street’s fortunes.

Adrian Watson, chief executive of Aberdeen Inspired, said: “The concept of a coalition was met with real enthusiasm at our recent emergency summit. Aberdeen City Council also mentioned setting up a taskforce. We firmly believe that one organisation, wholly focused on tackling the problems facing Union Street, would have the best chance of success. We’ve been moving at considerable pace in discussions with stakeholders and will be able to unveil the details in the new year once all the pieces are in place.”

Around 170 people attended the emergency summit, generating a diverse range of idea and suggestions to halt the decline of the city’s high street. The extensive list of ideas has now been collated and reviewed.

READ MORE: Aberdeen City Council unveil new potential designs for city centre

Significant work is underway behind the scenes to establish the coalition as a priority. In the meantime, Aberdeen Inspired will re-focus on zoning, creative lighting, safety and cleanliness.

Recognising that the Granite Mile is one of the longest high streets in the country, it was suggested dividing the street into distinct geographic zones: West End, Union Street West, Union Street Central and Union Street East

Mr Watson explained: “This aligns with the recent proposals in the City Centre Masterplan. Concentrating on individual zones, rather than being daunted by looking at Union Street as a whole, would enable a more targeted and manageable approach where we could potentially see results happen more quickly This is something we believe the coalition could develop further.”

The increasing number of vacant units on Union Street is a major concern and one which prompted the emergency summit.

Aberdeen Inspired is already working with other partners on a vacant unit strategy but, while that is in development, the BID will work on a short-term solution to improve the look of vacant premises on Union Street whereby businesses and organisations are encouraged to adopt a vacant unit and transform its exterior.

READ MORE: Summit on the future on Union Street taking place today

In terms of safety, lighting and cleanliness, Aberdeen Inspired says it’s a case of “getting back to business as usual” following the pandemic.

The organisation has already been in touch with partners to re-instate the City Centre Safety Partnership and will work with others on the cleanliness of Union Street and on supporting lighting projects that focus on significant buildings and dark areas of Union Street.

Mr Watson commented: “Over the years, Aberdeen Inspired has both directly supported and drawn funding from local and national sources to support lighting projects, not least in Golden Square and the more recent Suspended Signage scheme. A creative lighting plan was put in place some years ago, but we need to review this to see how and where we can provide more and effective up-lighting that not only looks good but also improves safety.

“The same applies to cleanliness. We all have a part to play in supporting Aberdeen City Council in keeping our streets clean and we’re going to be working to bring businesses and the community together to help bring the sparkle back to Union Street.”