Aberdeen City Council to administer transitional support funding to childcare providers

Grants of between £1500 to £8000 will be provided be help childcarers to meet extra costs incurred in meeting covid-19 guidance.

Author: Lewis MichiePublished 3rd Sep 2020

Childcare providers in Aberdeen are to receive an allocation of £501,000 of funding from the City Council to aid them in complying with public health guidance in response to Covid-19.

The transitional support fund, provided by the Scottish government, goes live today.

It will help childcarers to meet the extra costs associated with covid-19 measures.

One-off grants of between £1500 and £8000 will be available to applicants.

This funding is available for private, voluntary and not-for-profit sectors, including out-of-school care providers.

The level of the grant is decided based on the registered capacity with the care inspectorate.

Aberdeen City Council’s Education Operational Delivery Convener, Councillor John Wheeler said: “This funding will help to ensure that there is choice for families regarding where they access their childcare. Aberdeen City Council wants to support providers to safely welcome families back into their settings. I would also like to thank our childcare providers and out of school care providers for their continued resilience”.

“Aberdeen City Council will also continue to provide Funded Providers with support with sourcing PPE”.