Aberdeen City Council rep to speak to the public about views on street lay-out changes

This week the beach esplanade has joined the likes of Union Street, Rosemount and George Street in having temporary changes implemented for social distancing measures.

Author: Lewis MichiePublished 2nd Sep 2020

Aberdeen City Council's transport spokesperson - Councillor Sandra MacDonald - will today take to the city centre streets to gauge public opinion on alterations made temporarily to some Aberdeen roads for social distancing measures.

Sections of Union Street and surrounding smaller streets have been closed to traffic altogether. George Street and Rosemount have had one way system installed to allow pavement widening. Work is currently ongoing along the beach front to create a wider cycle lane.

Many residents have taken to social media to voice their displeasure on the changes. Meanwhile other members of the public are frustrated that while they've been sticking to new rules, many others - particularly on George Street - have been moving bollards to park in areas intended for cycling or walking, or parking in the middle of the road.

Parking has been further complicated on George Street after flooding damage led to the closure of a section of the road, closest to the Bon Accord.

Councillor MacDonald says the Council still believe changes were justified, but will listen to opinions of business owners in the area and the public, and those views will be taken into consideration.

She said:

"I'm going out tomorrow on a walk-about to meet traders and residents to find out what is working and what isn't and to see how we can improve things"

"I think the city wardens have been used at times to make sure enforcement is on-going, but I think it's up to all of us to make sure these measures are followed, they are there for a purpose."

"There have been instances we know of where people have been moving the cones and moving them back again - we'd ask that people do respect the measures we've put in and that they do behave appropriately."