Aberdeen City Council Demands 24 Hour Security At Broadford Works

Published 1st Jun 2015

Aberdeen City Council have demanded the owner of Aberdeen's Broadford Works provide 24 hour security for the derelict factory.

A Dangerous Building Notice, under the terms of the Building (Scotland) Act 2003, was served on the site owner today (Monday 1 June).

It comes after three fires at the derelict site over the past two weeks.

A key element of the improvements required at the city centre location is the provision of round-the-clock patrols.

The notice also calls for security improvements to be made at various points around the perimeter of the site, on Maberly Street, Ann Street, Hutcheon Street and George Street, to deter unauthorised access.

A number of measures will be required to improve safety inside the complex, including the blocking of open lift shafts. Warning signs will also have to be erected.

The demand has to be met by the owner by June 9th, or an offence will have been committed.

Planning Development Management Committee Convener Ramsay Milne said: “We said last week that we had concerns about health and safety at the Broadford Works site and the deterioration of the buildings.

“The terms of the Dangerous Buildings Notice should ensure that steps are taken as quickly as possible to make this site secure.

“There has been and continues to be a significant risk of serious injury and we want to do all we can to improve public safety.

“We are pleased that the site owner agreed to meet our Building Standards team today and is now co-operating fully with our requests to ensure the security of the perimeter of the site and the improvements required for public safety.”

Councillors agreed at a meeting last week to delegate authority to the Head of Planning and Sustainable Development, in consultation with the conveners of the Planning Development Management and Finance, Policy and Resources committees, to serve notices under the Building (Scotland) Act 2003 and the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) (Scotland) Act 1997 in respect of urgent works and improvements necessary to prevent access to the Broadford Works site and ensure improved security and condition of the buildings.

It was also agreed that a report will be prepared to update members following inspection of the site and on any subsequent action that is taken.