Aberdeen City Council admits to "serious failings" over cycle path repairs

The project was never approved formally

Aberdeen City Council has admitted to "serious failings" after £200,000 worth of repairs to an Aberdeen cycle path was given the green light without the authority's approval.

It's part of the National Cycle Network - but the wall next to it collapsed in the storms at the beginning of last year.

Work on repairing the path had been underway - but all work has now been stopped, after it emerged it have never gone before a council committee.

An urgent review is now underway into how this major project was approved - without it going before councillors.

Bernadette Marjoram, Aberdeen City Council’s Interim Director of Communities, Housing and Infrastructure, said: “The Wellington Brae cycleway repairs were first considered by officers of the Council in 2016 following storm damage.

“Aberdeen City Council acknowledges the project did not subsequently follow the required governance procedures and was not presented for committee approval at any stage in the process. This is a serious failing by Council officers and therefore an urgent review is underway. In light of this, work has been suspended.

“The project, which was to be fully funded by Sustrans, was instigated by staff of the Planning and Sustainable Development service in conjunction with Sustrans on the basis the section is part of a national network.

"It should be stated no works were requested by landowners in the area surrounding the path and nor did any landowner seek funding for repairs.

“At this stage the ownership of the land is in question. Aberdeen City Council is urgently seeking to establish clarity in this respect.

“To reiterate, no elected member of Aberdeen City Council was given the opportunity to consider the Wellington Brae project at committee or was party to any decision taken."