University crews to battle it out in 2024 Aberdeen Boat Race

Starting in 1996, it's currently the longest running boat race in Scotland.

Author: Vanessa WalkerPublished 23rd Feb 2024

The University of Aberdeen (UoA) and Robert Gordon University (RGU) will go head-to-head in the 29th annual Aberdeen boat race this weekend.

Student rowers from both universities will battle it out on a 3.5km stretch of the River Dee on Saturday 24 February.

Starting in 1996, it's currently the longest running boat race in Scotland and is known as the north-east's answer to the Oxford-Cambridge boat race.

Last year, the University of Aberdeen claimed the title with a time of 8 minutes and 48 seconds, leaving the current overall standings at 20-8 against RGU.

The cox for RGU's team will be Jill Adam, with Jakub Zbikowski for UoA.

The crews train together throughout the year but both captain's said some friendly rivalry arises before the big race.

Jill, who has been rowing with RGU for 3 years said: "It's the RGU challenge, so it's the loser from the previous year that challenges the winner.

"Unfortunately, that was us last year, so hopefully that will change this year."

Jakub said: "It's a very important event for both universities because it's specific to Aberdeen, it's a gladiatorial event between the universities and it shows what breadth and depth there is in both boat clubs."

Each of the 18 rowers will take just under 5,500 strokes throughout the duration of the race.

The boat race begins at 2pm after an alumni and beginners race.

The prize-giving ceremony will take place at Aberdeen Boat Club Boathouse following the races.

Professor George Boyne, Principal and Vice-Chancellor of the University of Aberdeen, said: “The Boat Race is a staple in Aberdeen’s sporting calendar and offers both university crews the opportunity to showcase their talent, determination and team effort on the water.

“I’d encourage everyone from the local community, as well as staff, students and alumni to come along and show their support. I wish both teams the best of luck.”

Professor Steve Olivier, Principal and Vice Chancellor of Robert Gordon University, said: "The Aberdeen Boat Race is an exciting and significant event in the calendar each year and plays a great part in showing off the city and both universities.

"Each crew combines their studies with many hours of training, helping to create a spectacle for Aberdeen to be proud of. I'm looking forward to marking this commitment with many of the RGU community on February 24 and would urge supporters to come out to cheer them on."


University of Aberdeen

Cox - Jakub Zbikowski

Harris McDonald

Chris Bardas

Maisie Aspinall

Findlay McDougall

Campbell Wheeler

Emma Steele

Alex Cassell

Eleanor Black

Robert Gordon University

Cox – Jill Adam

Sam Edwards

Harris Pearce

Laura Stewart

Gwen O’Rourke

Helen Tintpulver

Sandy Griffin

Pamela Stevenson

Louis Allman