Aberdeen Art Gallery appeal for helping building new 'Covid-19' collection

The gallery would like help curating a collection that shows how everyday lives have changed during the pandemic.

Author: Lewis MichiePublished 15th Sep 2020

Aberdeen Art Gallery and Museums have appealed to city residents to get involved with helping to build a collection that shows how life has changed during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Curators are looking for objects or images that sum up life in lockdown.

Marie Boulton, Aberdeen City Council culture spokesperson said, “The national lockdown and the recent Aberdeen local lockdown has affected every aspect of our lives, from our interactions with our families and friends, to how we are able to continue doing our jobs.

“This new collection will help future generations of Aberdonians reflect on the impact of Covid-19 pandemic. We want to represent the shared experience of our many communities in Aberdeen, collecting and safeguarding these items for the future.”

The gallery prepared this list to help spark ideas:

It may not seem immediately obvious that an everyday item is significant. Here are some questions to help:

· Has your working life changed? Do you have an item that encapsulates that?

· Do you have a lockdown home improvement project that you can share with us?

· Has your relationship with nature and the outdoors changed? Do you have photos of your garden or gardening tools you used to grow your own food?

· Do you have any end results from a new skill you have been working on during lockdown, for example knitting projects?

· Did you take any photographs on your daily exercise, maybe of the empty city centre?

· Have you been able to support businesses or individuals in your local community? Can you tell us about your experience?

· How has lockdown affected your relationships with friends, loved ones and even pets?

· Have you adapted to be able to practice your faith?

If you are a resident of Aberdeen City please send a description of your potential donation to curators@aberdeencity.gov.uk. Tell the curators what the item or photograph is and what it means to you, including an image if possible. Please do not bring them to Aberdeen Art Gallery.

As restrictions are still in place the Gallery is unable to take in physical donations at present and is asking donors to hold on to them for the time being. People will be contacted and advised when they can bring items in.