79% Back More Green Energy Measures

almost four in five Scots want the next UK government to continue to commit to renewable energy measures

Published 30th Mar 2015

Almost four in five Scots want the next UK government to continue to implement renewable energy measures such as wind and wave power, according to a new survey.

Almost two-thirds also want the next government to continue policies that help cut emissions and tackle climate change.

A YouGov poll commissioned by industry body Scottish Renewables questioned 1,008 people on February 24 and 25.

It found that 79% backed the continued development of renewable energy sources compared to just 26% who back fracking for shale gas, 45% who support new nuclear power stations and 49% in favour of the building or extension of coal and gas-fired power stations.

Those surveyed were also asked whether they thought the next UK government should continue to take forward policies that tackle greenhouse gas emissions and climate change - with almost two-thirds (63%) agreeing that it should and only 14% disagreeing.

Jenny Hogan, director of policy at Scottish Renewables, said: "These poll results illustrate the strength of support for renewables among Scotland's electorate.

"It is the only energy option that a majority of potential Scots voters say they would support.

"I believe this survey reflects the fact that most people in Scotland accept we must continue to change the way we power and heat our homes and businesses in order to tackle climate change.

"Renewable electricity generation in Scotland has doubled in recent years and we hope that all the main political parties will continue to back the growth of our sector after May's General Election - which certainly looks like the wish of potential Scottish voters.''

WWF Scotland director Lang Banks said: "It's great to see that the vast majority of the public in Scotland want to see the next UK government continue to take action on climate change as well as deliver more renewables.

"When given the choice, it's clear that the public would rather see more clean renewables rather than polluting fossil fuels of nuclear power.

"If we're to realise the full potential of our renewable resource, it's vital that the next UK government listens to the public and does all that it can to ensure Scotland is not held back from harnessing the power of its winds, waves, and tides.''