60% of sports fans have witnessed homophobic abuse, survey finds

More than half of Scottish sports fans have heard homophobic abuse at sporting events and 15% would be "embarrassed" if their favourite player came out as gay, according to a new study.

Published 21st Sep 2016

More than half of Scottish sports fans have heard homophobic abuse at sporting events and 15% would be "embarrassed" if their favourite player came out as gay, according to a new study.

Equality charity Stonewall Scotland found 60% of sports fans in Scotland have witnessed language or behaviour which was offensive to LGBT people in a sport setting in the past five years, compared to 51% of sports fans across Britain.

A total of 82% of supporters who reported witnessing homophobic abuse said it happened during a football match.

Researchers found more than half of fans (51%) would be "proud" if their favourite player came out as gay while 39% said they were "neutral" and 15% would be "embarrassed".

The majority of supporters (64%) said anti-LGBT language and behaviour is a problem in sport and more than two-thirds (68%) said more should be done to make LGBT people feel accepted in sport.

More than half (58%) said they wish more sports players were open about their sexual orientation while 79% of respondents would be happy to play alongside a bisexual team-mate and 71% with a transgender teammate.

Colin Macfarlane, director of Stonewall Scotland said: "The majority of Scottish sport fans see anti-LGBT chants and abuse as a problem and want sport to be a welcoming environment for everyone.

"There is, however, a minority who still see this type of abusive behaviour as acceptable on our terraces, in the pub or on social media.

"This minority of fans may think that anti-LGBT language is 'harmless' banter, but such insults and abuse makes LGBT fans and players feel unsafe, unwelcome and unable to be themselves.

"We need all our clubs, coaches, PE teachers and sports personalities to take a stand as allies against this behaviour and help make sport everyone's game."

The research was commissioned by Stonewall and surveyed 125 fans in Scotland as part of its Rainbow Laces campaign aimed at making sport everyone's game.