60 Jobs At Risk At Aberdeenshire Oil Services Firm

Published 6th Aug 2015

It's been confirmed that 60 jobs are set to go from an Aberdeenshire oil services firm.

The positions at risk are from ACE Winches, which is based in Turriff.

The company also announced they were reviewing all of their employees terms and conditions.

It is just one of many firms in the industry suffering from the dramatic fall in the price of oil.

In a statement, a spokesperson said:

“ACE Winches, like many others in the oilfield services sector, has been proactively managing its business during the downturn within the oil and gas industry. The company has responded by implementing a number of cost reduction initiatives and efficiency drives to reduce costs and better align the business with the current market environment.

"The aim of this initiative is to provide greater flexibility over managing capacity and therefore keeping further headcount reduction minimal.”