Up to 370 jobs going at Aberdeen City Council

Author: Phil McDonaldPublished 12th Feb 2018

Up to 370 Aberdeen City Council jobs are at risk - as the local authority tries to balance the books.

Councillors have previously committed to no compulsary redundancies but they are looking at finding an extra £10million.

140 of those positions are currently vacant posts

Douglas Lumsden Co-Leader Aberdeen City Council said: “Delivering quality front line services that people deserve and pay for is our priority.

“In challenging economic times, with smaller budget grants and a bruised economy, the council like any organisation has to evaluate and find ways to make savings.

“With 40% of our costs being staff, it is natural that there will have to be a change in size to ensure a robust local authority. In our case, this will mean 230 Full Time roles will be lost.

“We will be doing all that we can to help those individuals involved to retrain and apply for the over 500 vacancies that remain.

“As an administration we are committed to our no compulsory redundancy policy and will be looking to achieve the reduction through our voluntary severance and early retirement.”

Tommy Campbell, Regional Officer at Unite the Union, said: "There's a lot of money that gets spent on agency companies, as well as the expensive self employed consultants that Aberdeen City Council have hired in.

"We want to know how much, and what the plan is for removing this costs because the saving that money will have an effect on saving jobs.

"We can't lose sight of the fact that even if people leave the council, the workload of the council will remain the same and it will be a burden on those people who are staying behind.

"This is the way it's been year in, year out and stress levels are at breaking point."