18 people charged following incidents of disorder in Inverurie in the last week

Published 13th May 2017
Last updated 13th May 2017

officers carried out high visibility patrols in the area following concerns of further planned incidents last night (Friday 12 May 2017).

The evening passed without incident and officers can now confirm that in total 18 people have now been arrested and charged with a further six fixed penalty notices handed out.

Officers from the Divisional Alcohol and Violence Reduction Unit, together with officers of the Garioch Community Policing Team supported by the Operational Support Unit and colleagues in road policing have focused on Inverurie, Kintore, Kemnay and surrounding areas.

Sergeant William Murdoch said: 'Although reports were that there was to be an arranged disturbance, Friday night went without incident.

Support from members of our public has been fantastic with a high number of calls alerting us to potential incidents.'

He added: 'We've made it clear to those previously involved and those planning to take part that they will face court.

Our support to the area won't stop and our patrols will continue so that we are in a strong position to reduce the risk from anything further by taking action against those set on violence.

We will be stopping cars, we will be checking trains and buses and we will be making it hard for these groups to descend on towns and villages here.

We will continue to work with our partners to reduce the risk of any repeat.'