12 great Doric words and their meaning

Have a peek at this, min! Here are 10 of our favourite Doric words and what they mean.

Published 23rd Jun 2015
Last updated 24th Aug 2021

Have a peek at this, min! We've decided to look out 10 of our favourite Doric words with doricdictionary.com

1. deem – noun: woman, dame*At deem fae Kintore can hunle hersel. That woman from Kintore can handle herself.*

2. glaikit – adjective: foolish, vacant*Dinna stun ‘er lookin gaikit, gees a han! Don’t stand there looking vacant, give me a hand!*

3. hummin – noun: smelly*At man is hummin. That man is smelly.*

4. lug – noun: ear*Yi hiv an affa pair o lugs on yi. You have a big pair of ears on you.*

Pit on a tourie and keep yer lugs waarm. Put on a hat and keep your ears warm.

5. oxter – noun: armpit*Min, I’ve an affa yokey oxter. Sir, I have a very itchy armpit.*

6. bleezin – adjective: drunk*He was chucked oot o Soul for being bleezin. He was thrown out of Soul for being drunk.*

7. scunnert – adjective: fed up*I’m fair scunnert the day. I’m very fed up today.*

8. skelp – verb: to slap – noun: slap*She skelpt his airse. She slapped his bum.*

9. reek – verb: smoke, stink, smell. reek – noun: smoke, stink, smell*She’s reekkin o drink. She’s stinking of drink (alcohol).*

He must be at hame, the lum’s reekkin. He must be at home, the chimney’s smoking.

10. skite – verb: slip. skitey – adjective: slippery*Ah skited on the sna and fell on ma dowp. I slipped on the snow and fell on my bottom.*

Watch oot, those steps are affa skitey. Watch out, those steps are very slippery

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