11 year old accused of vandalising cars

An 11 year old boy has been charged in relation to a series of car vandalisms in Torry

Published 5th Oct 2016

An 11 year old boy has been charged in relation to a series of car vandalisms in the Rockall Road and Rockall Place area of Torry.

It happened on Tuesday 4th October.

Sergeant John Lumsden said: "Operation Smallwood is ongoing in Torry to tackle youth annoyance and anti-social behaviour. While an 11 year old boy has been charged in relation to the vandalism of eight vehicles our enquiries remain ongoing.

"We would ask that anyone who saw anything suspicious contact us on 101 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 if they wish to remain anonymous.

"We would also urge anyone with concerns in their neighbourhood to report these to us."

The boy will be reported to the Youth Justice Management Unit.