100 Syrian Refugees To Be Resettled In Aberdeen.

Published 23rd Sep 2015

It's been announced that Aberdeen will take 5% of the 2000 refugees Scotland has committed to resettle.

Chair of Aberdeen Community Planning Partnership, Councillor Jenny Laing, said: “A task force set up in response to the ongoing international refugee crisis met for the first time in Aberdeen this morning.

“Following the meeting, we will be informing the UK and Scottish governments via the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (Cosla) that the Aberdeen Community Planning Partnership stands ready to play our part in assisting those fleeing conflict and that we will participate in the UK Home Office’s Vulnerable Persons Relocation Scheme.

“Subject to further discussions with both the UK and Scottish government, we can say that our scenario planning at this stage would allow Aberdeen to accept a 5% share of the estimated 2,000 refugees coming to Scotland as part of the 20,000 likely to be admitted UK-wide.

“A complex package of support based around housing, education, DWP benefits and health care is required, and we want to ensure that those refugees who come to Aberdeen are integrated into our communities in a way that reflects the kind-hearted nature of Aberdonians. Going forward, we will be working with community organisations, faith groups and volunteer organisations in the city to deliver the best possible outcome for those who will be arriving in Aberdeen.”