Relaxation Day... best ways to relax at work

Jeff and Lauren's guide to a relaxing Tuesday

Published 14th Aug 2017
Last updated 14th Aug 2017

So unfortunately, World relaxation day lands on a Tuesday.

Probably the least relaxing day in the world, right?

We're here to help!

Be kind to the boss

I know, thats the last thing you wanna do but it can help lower stress levels.

Best and cheapest way to help...


Coffee always wins.

Scream Pillow

You can thank us later...

If ever you get really annoyed, take a second, open your desk draw, pull out your pillow....

and scream.

You can purchase said scream pilla here.

Laugh... lets make you laugh

I promise you, if you don't laugh or crack even a smile whilst hearing these laughs.. you're crazy!

Take those shoes off... and don't worry about the smell!

Working barefoot may not be mainstream yet....

but it’s spread far beyond the street performers, yoga instructors and writers!

It is said to make you just that little bit more... relaxed.

Breathe... and stretch

We found the best breathing technique to chill you out....

Listen to music

THIS is supposedly the most relaxing song of all time.

Only joking! HA HA HA

This is the most relaxing song...

With the smoothing sound of waterfall in nature, it can cause a very quick dreamlike state!

Be aware though...

This song is so relaxing that it can actually be dangerous to listen to while driving!

We hope you feel a little bit more relaxed... HA HA!

P.S. Other option.. take the day off!