21 adult problems that nobody prepared us for
The North-east has spoken
On Jeff and Lauren in the Morning, we were talking about things we have to do as an adult that nobody has ever prepared us for.
We couldn't believe some of your calls...
1. Not having an imaginary friend anymore
2. Tripping over the dog when you need a midnight widdle
Trying to see in the dark... not gonna happen!
3. In laws
N'uff said really.
4. Sore bits when you wake up
5. Going bald when you're still fairly not of 'going bald' age
Hey, a study found that bald men are more confident and attractive.
Embrace the receding hairline.
You look great!
6. What Kerry said...
7. Filling the fridge
8. Always forgetting what you're doing
What was I doing again?
9. Bad drivers
10. Looking after your car...
The MOT, The tax, The Insurance, all the Tyre changes, topping up the water...
UGH the list is endless.
11. Having to do the same job. Day after day after day.
So much easier when you have a uniform!
12. Food preparation and having to cook for yourself
You mean... I have to prepare and cook this MYSELF?
13. The metabolism change.
Say no more
14. Having to dress smartly for the office
Having a uniform is SO much easier
17. Small talk with people
15. Less naps
Scientists have shown that a 60- to 90-minute siesta can charge up the brain's batteries as much as eight hours tucked up in bed.
So there you go... make time for that nap.
16. Becoming a bit uncool when new trends come in and you're no longer a teenager
Low key, High key, Lit, Finesse, Extra, RT, Keep it 100, Goat, Respek, Squad Goal....
18. The tiredness
19. How much time we spend doing the washing
They say that 70% of our weekend is dedicated to the weekly food shop, laundry and cleaning!
20. Money management
21. Trying to juggle work, being healthy, the kids, friends, family and all the other little errands
Can you think of anymore?
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Listen to Jeff and Lauren in the morning LIVE from 6am until 10am.