What word can precede dog, roll and sandwich?

Heather from Aberdeen scored 7 out of 10 on these questions

Published 17th Nov 2017
Last updated 17th Nov 2017

Heather from Aberdeen scored 7 out of 10 on these questions.

We play the Win it Minute every weekday on Jeff and Lauren in the Morning at 8.10 am. Get all 10 questions right within 60 seconds and you'll be walking away with £250 cash.

Today's questions and answers are below, try them out.

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1) What word can proceed dog, roll and sandwich?

2) Name any one of the members of Steps

3) What is the name of the galaxy with which our sun is in?

4) What does the ‘e’ of e-mail stand for?

5) What is the number of Aberdeen defender, Shay Logan’s, shirt?

6) What is the name of the shampoo brand that is made up of two different parts of the body?

7) Pikachu is a creature from which children’s entertainment franchise?

8) What is the name of a baby goose?

9) Which Scottish comedian voiced King Fergus in 2012’s Brave?

10) How many days until Christmas?


1) Sausage 2) Lee, Claire, Lisa, Faye or H 3) Milky Way 4) Electronic 5) 2 6) Head & Shoulders7) Pokemon 8) Gosling 9) Billy Connolly 10) 38 days