Win it Minute: Which nut is used to flavour the chocolate spread Nutella?

The Win it Minute with Wholesale Domestic Bathrooms

Author: Lauren MitchellPublished 9th Feb 2021

Think you could be our next winner? We play the Win it Minute every weekday on Jeff and Lauren in the Morning at 8.10am. Get all 10 questions right within 60 seconds and you'll be walking away with £500!

Here's the latest set of questions from Tuesday 9th February 2021. Stuart from Newburgh took on these questions and scored 7 out of 10.


Q1. The Moulin Rouge is a cabaret in which European city?

Q2. What is Barbies boyfriends name?

Q3. ‘A whole new world,’ is a song from which Disney animated musical?

Q4. What is the name of the twins in Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland world?

Q5. What was the name of the currency used in Italy and Malta prior to the Euro?

Q6. Opal Fruits changed their name to what in 1998?

Q7. Kryptonite is an alien mineral which is capable of depleting which superhero of his powers?

Q8. What is 15x3?

Q9. Which nut is used to flavour the chocolate spread Nutella?

Q10. What type of vehicle was Meldrum Meg?


A1. Paris A2. Kenneth Sean Carson A3. Aladdin A4. Tweedledum and Tweedledee A5. Lira A6. Starburst A7. Superman A8. 45 A9. Hazelnut A10. Train (It was the old steam train)

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