Win it Minute: What was the original name for a Snicker’s chocolate bar?

The Win it Minute with Wholesale Domestic Bathrooms

Author: Lauren MitchellPublished 25th May 2020

Think you could be our next winner? We play the Win it Minute every weekday on Jeff and Lauren in the Morning at 8.10am. Get all 10 questions right within 60 seconds and you'll be walking away with £500!

Here's the latest set of questions from Monday 25th May 2020. Alex took on these questions and scored 9 out of 10.


Q1. What was the original name for a Snicker’s chocolate bar?

Q2. What school does Harry Potter attend?

Q3. Comic Sans, Times New Roman and Arial are types of what?

Q4. Built in 1926, which Aberdeen beachfront venue is famous for it’s bouncy dancefloor?

Q5. Mastication is better known as what in the process of digestion?

Q6. Finish the title of this John Candy film, Planes, Trains and what?

Q7. What is the name of the French speaking province in Canada?

Q8. What was the name of the third gaming console released in the mid-90s by Nintendo?

Q9. What is the Japanese word that means “empty orchestra?”

Q10. The cooking technique that involves submerging food in a liquid is called what?


A1. Marathon A2. Hogwarts A3. Fonts A4. Beach Ballroom A5. Chewing A6. Automobiles A7. Quebec A8. Nintendo 64 A9. Karaoke A10. Poaching

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