Win it Minute: What type of insect is a Foggy Bummer?

The Win it Minute with Wholesale Domestic Bathrooms

Author: Lauren MitchellPublished 5th Nov 2019
Last updated 5th Nov 2019

Think you could be our next winner? We play the Win it Minute every weekday on Jeff and Lauren in the Morning at 8.10am. Get all 10 questions right within 60 seconds and you'll be walking away with £500!

Here's the latest set of questions from Tuesday 5th November 2019. Christopher from Aberdeen took on these questions 5 out of 10.


  1. Brogue and Ballet are types of what?
  1. A Pomsky is a cross breed between an Husky and what other dog?
  1. Which major Scottish river flows through Dundee?
  1. What is 9 times 5?
  1. Home grown alligator, see you later, are the opening lines from which George Ezra song?
  1. The Bodyguard starts a run at HMT tonight, it features the songs of which American singer?
  1. Casablanca and Marrakesh are cities in which country?
  1. In Doric, what type of insect is a Foggy Bummer?
  1. In medicine, what does a phlebotomist do?
  1. Which Pixar film is set in the city of Montropolis?


  1. Shoes 2) Pomeranian 3) River Tay 4) 45 5) Shotgun 6) Whitney Houston 7) Morocco 8) Bumblebee 9) Take blood 10) Monsters Inc.

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