Win it Minute: What is the sweet food made by bees?
Play the Win it Minute with Wholesale Domestic Bathrooms
We play the Win it Minute every weekday on Jeff and Lauren in the Morning at 8.10 am. Get all 10 questions right within 60 seconds and you'll be walking away with £500!
Here's the latest set of questions from Thursday 8th September 2022. Colin from Ellon took on these questions and scored 8 out of 10.
Q1. In what sport can you get a hole in one?
Q2. On a common ladybird, what colour are its spots?
Q3. What is the sweet food made by bees?
Q4. What is 7x6?
Q5. What is the usual colour of an aeroplanes black box?
Q6. Which animal lives in an earth or a sett?
Q7. Dido’s song ‘Thank You’ was sampled by which rapper on his song ‘Stan’?
Q8. Which war memorial is found in Whitehall, London?
Q9. Mormond Thistle Football Club play their home games in which North-east town?
Q10. In which year was the News of the World last published?
A1. Golf A2. Black A3. Honey A4. 42 A5. Orange A6. Badger A7. Eminem A8. The Cenotaph A9. Strichen A10. 2011