Win it Minute: What is an item useful in the rain, and a Rihanna song?

The Win it Minute with Wholesale Domestic Bathrooms

Author: Lauren MitchellPublished 16th Apr 2020

Think you could be our next winner? We play the Win it Minute every weekday on Jeff and Lauren in the Morning at 8.10am. Get all 10 questions right within 60 seconds and you'll be walking away with £500!

Here's the latest set of questions from Thursday 16th April 2020. Kairen from Aberdeen took on these questons and scored 7 out of 10.


Q1. Quiz has been gripping us on STV the last few nights, it’s the dramatized story of someone cheating on which game show?

Q2. Ramsey St is the setting for which Australian soap?

Q3. What is 15x4?

Q4. What does the I in MI6 stand for?

Q5. Which small fruit has thin, hairy skin, green flesh and black seeds?

Q6. Which way connects Persley Bridge and the old AECC?

Q7. The province of Rioja which gives it’s name to the drink, is in which country?

Q8. What is an item useful in the rain, and a Rihanna song?

Q9. Which decade did Florida’s Walt Disney World open?

Q10. Liechtenstein borders Switzerland and which other country?


A1. Who wants to be a millionaire A2. Neighbours A3. 60 A4. Intelligence A5. Kiwi A6. Parkway A7. Spain A8. Umberella A9. 1970s (October 1st 1971) A10. Austria

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