What was the score of last night’s Aberdeen Europa match?

Friday's Win it Minute

Published 21st Jul 2017
Last updated 19th Jan 2018

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1) Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck are characters of which animated series?

2) Blue, Rare and Well-Done are ways in which you can order what?

3) What was the score of last night’s Aberdeen Europa match?

4) What is the highest rank in the British Army?

5) Golden Sands and Sunny beach are seaside resorts in which European country?

6) Teenage Dream and Prism are albums by which female singer?

7) The Beast, The Vixen and Frosty Knickers all feature on which TV gameshow?

8) Which train station lies between Inverurie and Huntly stations?

9) Dunkirk, released in cinemas today, stars which ex one directioner?

10) Trigonometry is the study of what shape?


1) Looney Tunes

2) Steak

3) 2-0

4) Field Marshall

5) Bulgaria

6) Katy Perry

7) The Chase

8) Insch

9) Harry Styles

10) Triangle