‘Passport Home’ is the latest single by which English singer?

Take on Thursday's Win it Minute

Published 15th Jun 2017
Last updated 18th Jan 2018

Jeff and Lauren play the Win it Minute every weekday at 8.10am.

Try these questions out and see how you would do!

Don't forget to sign up for the Win it Minute at the bottom of the page.

Good luck!


1) ‘Passport Home’ is the latest single by which English singer?

2) Which company produces Irn Bru?

3) What is the capital of Mexico?

4) How many Pirates of the Caribbean films are there?

5) What is the name of the traditional kitchen utensil used to eat food in Asia?

6) What is 12 times 5?

7) Chien is the French word for what animal?

8) What is Sat Nav short for?

9) E.H Shepard is the illustrator behind which famous bear?

10) Which mountain is the highest in Wales?


1) JP Cooper

2) A.G. Barr

3) Mexico City

4) 5

5) Chopsticks

6) 60

7) Dog

8) Satellite Navigation

9) Winne The Pooh

10) Snowdon

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