Do you know which other rivers flow through Inverurie?

Play Tuesday's Win it Minute

Published 13th Jun 2017
Last updated 18th Jan 2018

We play our Win it Minute every weekday at 8.10am.

How would you have done today?


1) Which North-east town is usually referred to as 'The Blue Toon'?

2) The Millennium Falcon is a spaceship from which movie series?

3) What is the name of Aberdeen South’s new Tory MP?

4) Who is the voice of Woody in the films Toy Story?

5) The Don and which other river flow through Inverurie?

6) Overs and wickets are terms used in which sport?

7) What is 64 divided by 8?

8) A motte is usually found around which type of building?

9) Who is the author of Trainspotting?

10) Shiitake and Oyster are types of what?


1) Peterhead

2) Star Wars

3) Ross Thomson

4) Tom Hanks

5) River Urie

6) Cricket

7) 8

8) Castle

9) Irvine Welsh

10) Mushrooms

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