Do you flirt with your feet?

Tuesday's Win it Minute

Published 11th May 2017
Last updated 18th Jan 2018

Are you a smarty pants?


1) A Shuttlecock is used in which sport?

2) What is the name of Take That’s current UK tour?

3) Which type of snake uses a noisemaker on the end of the tail to ward off predators?

4) Who wrote the children’s book, The Jungle Book?

5) Zagreb is the capital of which of the Balkans’ countries?

6) Which Scottish comedian is famous for wearing banana shoes?

7) Scottish company, Caledonian MacBrayne performs what transport service?

8) What is the common name used when flirting with your feet under a table?

9) James Watt and Martin Dickie are the owners of which Scottish brewing company?

10) Which planet is closest to the moon?


1) Badminton

2) Wonderland

3) Rattlesnake

4) Rudyard Kipling

5) Croatia

6) Billy Connolly

7) Ferries

8) Footsie

9) BrewDog

10) Mercury

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