Fish Town made it’s TV debut last night, it tells the story of which North-east harbour?

Jeff and Lauren's Win it Minute with Aberdeen International Airport

Author: Lauren MitchellPublished 15th Jan 2019
Last updated 15th Jan 2019

Stephen from Aberdeen took on the Win it Minute this morning and scored 8 out of 10.

We play the Win it Minute every weekday on Jeff and Lauren in the Morning at 8.10am. Get all 10 questions right within 60 seconds and you'll be walking away with £250.

If you want to play on air... call us when we open the lines at 7.50am on the show (Ts & Cs below) OR register here.


1) What is the name of the fairy in Peter Pan?

2) Fish Town made it’s TV debut last night, it tells the story of which North-east harbour?

3) What follows alpha in the Greek alphabet?

4) Ben is the son of Carol and who in the TV show, Friends?

5) What UK cities underground network has 270 stations?

6) What is the name of the company in Looney Tunes that Wile E Coyote would purchase from?

7) Blue Agave is the base ingredient in what alcoholic drink?

8) What does the Canadian province, Nova Scotia stand for in Latin?

9) What is 150 divided by 3?

10) What is the common job title for a person who manages a museum?


1) Tinkerbell 2) Peterhead 3) Beta 4) Ross 5) London 6) Acme 7) Tequila 8) New Scotland 9) 50 10) Curator

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