Are you a fan of the B.L.T and know what the T stands for?

Take on hump day's Win it Minute

Published 19th Apr 2017
Last updated 18th Jan 2018

1) On which date in June has Prime Minister, Theresa May proposed a General Election?

2) Which English football team play at Villa Park?

3) In Looney Tunes, who is constantly trying to catch Road Runner?

4) The River Deveron flows into which north coast bay?

5) Mary-Kate and who else makes up the Olsen Twins?

6) What does the T stand for in a B.L.T sandwich?

7) 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue is the official residence of who?

8) Which country was Albert Einstein born in?

9) Sunshine on Leith is a musical based on the music of which band?

10) Liechtenstein is bordered by Switzerland and which other country?


1) June 8th 2) Aston Villa 3) Wile E. Coyote 4) Banff Bay 5) Ashley 6) Tomato 7) American President 8) Germany 9) The Proclaimers 10) Austria

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