What is the common name for ‘Aurora Borealis?’

Josh from Westhill scored 5 out of 10

Author: Lauren MitchellPublished 4th Dec 2017

Josh from Westhill scored 5 out of 10 on these questions, could you do better?

We play the Win it Minute every weekday on Jeff and Lauren in the Morning at 8.10 am. Get all 10 questions right within 60 seconds and you'll be walking away with £250 cash.

Today's questions and answers are below, try them out.

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1) Bill Murray lives the same day over and over again in which film?

2) Who won the X-Factor last night?

3) In which area of Aberdeen would you find Provest Watt Drive?

4) How many seconds in 3 minutes?

5) How much is a Dime worth in America?

6) What is the common name of the ‘Aurora Borealis?’

7) What do you call a group of geese when they are on land?

8) Who released ‘All About That Bass’ in 2014?

9) Which Scottish football team plays at Easter Road?

10) Which author created James Bond?


1) Groundhog Day 2) Rak-Su 3) Kincorth 4) 180 5) 10 Cents 6) Northern Lights 7) Gaggle 8) Megan Trainor 9) Hibs 10) Ian Fleming